Welding Equipment & Consumables
Welding is a fabrication process
that joins metals by using high
heat to help the parts to join

Gas Cutting & Welding
oxy fuel weld is used to join metals &oxy fuel cutting is used to heat metal to its kindling tempreture

PPE & Industrial Safety
Industrial safety is a safety protocols to protect the workers , wokrplace , work equipment and environment from hazards

Painting Equipment
Spraying paint is a technique used for coating epoxy ,emulation ,enamel and putty spray neatly.

Power Tool
Power tools are the equipment that needs motor power to operate. Here, the efforts of humans is minimised

Hand Tool
Hand tool is an equipment which is powered by hands, other than motors. The hand tools only require man power to operate

Special Products
Special products play a significant role in the welding and cutting industry due to its supreme functionality.

Services & Maintenance
Machine maintenance is to keep the ongoing work running with minimal downtime and effieciently.